Anastasia Ten
03 Apr. 2022 г.
2 min. read
Interview Questions: Tell Us Briefly About Your Experience.

‘Tell us briefly about your experience’.

Did you know that 50% of interviews start with this question? That is why I always practice it with my clients at the interview coaching sessions. A lot of people get confused and do not know what to say, wondering why they need to repeat the things that are already included in their resume.

However, this question should be treated as a short self-presentation, rather than retelling your resume or the details of your personal life.

Here are some tips that might help you to create a great self-presentation:

  1. Make it short, try to fit your speech into 1-2 minutes.

  2. Only talk about your professional experience and training, do not mention family matters or personal life.

  3. Highlight the most relevant skills and experience for the position you are trying to get. You do not need to mention all your jobs and achievements

  4. Show that you are self-motived, passionate about what you do and eager to achieve results

You can use the following logic when telling your story:

  1. Start with the bigger picture. Talk about who you are and how much experience you have in the industry. If you do not have relevant experience, talk about your education and why you decided to enter this industry.

  2. Give an overview of your career history during the past 5-10 years. Mention company names that are well-known in the market.

  3. Talk about your current job. Say what exactly you are doing and the scope of your responsibilities.

  4. Discuss your key strengths, future plans and career aspirations.

Make sure you have a plan in advance and rehearse your speech several times before the interview. Make sure it is concise and logical. Always highlight your value to the employers and don’t hide your achievements. This part of the interview is a perfect opportunity to sell yourself to the employer.

If you want to elaborate a strategy and get an opinion on your self-presentation, we will be happy to help.

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